Two men carrying a large wine amphora
Los 5
BRITAIN. Cantii. Uninscribed, 50/20 BC. Unit (Silver, 13 mm, 1.06 g, 12 h), 'Cantian Wine Carriers' type. Two men carrying a large wine amphora between them; in field, cabled bars and ring pellets. Rev. Horse galloping left; above, bird to left; below, boar to left. ABC 231 (listed as possibly unique). SCBC -. Van Arsdell -. Extremely rare, apparently the second known example of this highly interesting issue. Very fine.

From the collection of Dr. D. Löer, ex Heritage Europe 78, 22 May 2023, 4804, and previously found in Druten, Netherlands, PAN 00045178.

Now recorded in two examples, this extremely rare issue shows two men carrying a large wine amphora on the obverse, a highly unusual motif that perhaps hints at celebratory feasts in Celtic warrior society. Interestingly, our coin was found in Druten, located in the middle of the Netherlands, near the banks of the river Waal, an important trade route running from the North Sea to central Europe.
75 CHF
900 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 24-Feb-24, 12:02:00 CET
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